The Israeli army stated Friday that it is conducting extensive arrests targeting Palestinian youths in the occupied West Bank “in order to prevent a third Intifada in the territories”, the Palestine News Network (PNN) reported.A senior Israeli security official stated that the increase in what he called “Palestinian attacks against the army”, and certain attacks against settlers, could be an indication of the beginning of a new Intifada, “therefore, the army decided to arrest Palestinian activists, believed to be the moving force of these clashes”.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Radio said that the Israeli Intelligence Services decided to double its activities, and to step-up the arrests against Hamas members and supporters, and every Palestinian who is believed to be an “anti-Israel activist” , PNN reported.

Yet, the Israeli security official stated that it is unlikely that a full-blown third Intifada would take place soon, but said that what is likely to take place is “mini Intifada” reflected in the current increase in clashes between the soldiers and the residents, especially when taking into consideration that “Palestinian youths clashed with soldiers and settlers in the West Bank 39 times in October, compared to 122 times in December”.

In related news, Israeli sources reported that three Israel settlers have been injured on Friday in different parts of the West Bank after Palestinian youths hurled stones at their vehicles.

The Israeli report ignored the fact that extremist Israeli settlers are responsible for dozens of attacks against the residents, their property and lands, in the West Bank, and in occupied East Jerusalem, including attacks against Christian and Islamic holy sites.

The army also carried out dozens of invasions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank kidnapping dozens of residents, including children, and limited invasions into the Gaza Strip.